Fern Hill Hotel - Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India.


    Fern Hills Palace is situated in Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India which was used as a summer residence of Maharaja of Mysore. The hotel was built in 1844, by Capt. F Cotton., with an amazing classic British architecture.
    On the Nilgiri Hills, it is spread out over 50 acres with full of green lawns, dense woods and terraced tea buildings and lush verdant valleys. But the hotel was shut down for some time due to its paranormal experience.

    Movie : Raaz (Bipasha Basu, Emraan Hashmi).
        Timings:-    Everyday and Anytime.
        Fees:-          Approx. Rs. 11000
        The place is just 2 km from Ooty Railway Station, the heritage hotel offers a restaurant that is known for its Nilgiri delicacies. You can easily visit there as it is a famous tourist place and even the hotel is within that area. So, there will not be any type of discomfort.


    There were no clues and facts about how the spirit was there and how the place became haunted. So, if you know any history about the place, then please share it on the comment section.

Claims And Myths

    The place gains fame when the spooky feelings were felt by the Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu and choreographer Saroj Khan. As they were tired after the shooting during the morning, Saroj Khan and her team were given room on the ground floor. While sleeping at night, the crew members heard the sound of pulling the furniture from the first floor. They tried to call the receptionist but the phone was dead.

    On the next morning, they told the receptionist and gave all the information. But, they said that there was not any first floor as it is closed since long time. After that time, the hotel has been completely closed. But, nowadays, it reopened again.

Well, it is a story of a heritage hotel where some paranormal experience were caught even by Bollywood industries. So, if you liked the post, then please share it and comment us below.


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