National Library Of India - Kolkata, West Bengal, India


    The National Library of India is located in Belvedere Estate, Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is the largest library of India by volume and public record. The library is under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. It has a collection of approximately 2.2 million books.

    The Governor of India resided there before the Independence of India. The special collections of the library has at least 15 languages. It consists of 86,000 maps and 3,200 manuscripts.

        Timings:-    From 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (All Days)
        Fees:-          None but get with an ID card.


  •        AIR:-          Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport is the nearest airport, at a distance of around 20 kilometres from the library.
  •        TRAIN:-          Nearest railway station is Howrah Junction Railway Station, which is 10 kilometres away from the library.
  •        ROAD:-          Nearest Bus Station is Ekbalpur. One may also board any buses to Jali Gate or Kothari Hospital. The library is located at a short distance of 2km from both Netaji Bhavan metro station and Ekbalpur bus station. One may hire a taxi to reach here.


    The library has earned the reputation of being haunted. There is a mystery or a suspense behind it.

    A mystery room was found in this 250 years old building. A room that no one knew about it and nobody can enter into it. There is no opening of the room, not even a single trapdoors. Nobody can say that what the room contains. The archaeologists had also no clue about it.

    According to some theories, it was one of the torture chamber made by one of the Governor General. Some had said that it contains some jewels and skeletons whereas some had claimed that it might have some treasury which had been hidden by Britishers.

    A lot of efforts were made on it but not even a single crack was found. The authorities had asked for the permission to drill the wall as they can not do it because the library belongs to the great historical monument.

    There is another story that the workers met with an accident while working there for its construction. Now, it is believed that they were not freed and lingers there.

Claims And Myths

  1.    Two eyewitnesses claimed in Kolkata mirror magazine that they have seen some black images fading in front of their eyes. Both of them fell sick for four days.
  2.     It is claimed that the Governor's wife lingers there and her footsteps were also heard by the people. Due to that, the post guards also change their duties often as they can not work here. They also observed the vision of a spirit.

Well, it is a story of a mysterious library which has a sealed room with an unknown mystery. So, if you liked the post then, please share us and comment us below. 


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