Tower of Silence - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


    Tower of silence is located at Malabar Hill, Mumbai, India where Parsi people went there for their last act of the dead. It is also known as Dakhma, a raised structure built by Zoroastrians for excarnation i.e. body to be exposed to carrion birds, usually vultures.
    Nowadays, towers are fairly uniform in their structure having a flat roof with the perimeter being slightly higher than the center. Three concentric rings are made in which the first one is for bodies of men, second one is for women and the innermost one for children. Once the bones are bleached by the sun and wind, they are collected in an ossuary pit at the center of tower which runs through multiple coals and sand filters before being washed out to sea.
        Main tower area is prohibited for other people.
        You can visit here every day of the week between sunrise and sunset at any time. Guard will not permit you to visit at night.
        Fees:- None.
        AIR:- It is just at a distance of 20 km from Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.
        TRAIN:- It is just at a distance of 3 km from Mumbai Central. After that you can take a cab or walk around the place. 



    The earliest reference to ritual exposure comes from Herodotus, where the historiographer describes the rites to have been secret and the body should be dragged around by a dog or a bird. Then, they came up with the mind to corpse a body with wax and laid it in a trench. Then, they tried to collect the bones as well to purify them and washed out into the sea. Thus, likewise the first exposure to this towers was in the 16th century.
    To preclude the pollution of earth or fire, the bodies of the dead are places atop of tower and so exposed to the sun and to birds of prey. Thus, "putrefaction with all its concomitant evils.... is most effectually prevented."

    The place is very quiet and due to that, people claim to be the soul of the buried people.


Claims And Myths

    There is no related haunted stories we found. But imagine there are plenty of dead bodies with their flesh and vultures roaming around you. So, isn't it terrifying? Just due to that fact people who visited there got fear in their mind.

Well, this was all about the place where Parsi people did their last act of death. So, if you liked the post, then please share it and comment us below.


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